The Olive Tree Pilates Blog

Stewarding Your Health is Like Gardening

holistic health motivation planning purpose Jan 14, 2024
Health is like Gardening


Before any planning can be done, you must consider your purpose. Whether it’s for a specific project, resolution, or life in general. 


What is your hope?


What is your specific intention?


(example: I want to fully enjoy life with my loved ones and serve people well.)



Just like gardening, depending on what your purpose is, you must choose seeds that will bear the specific fruit you desire. What fruit do you want to be produced from what you’re planting?

(example: Planting seeds of stewarding my physical health i.e. movement, nourishment and rest = enables me to feel better physically and be fully present with my loved ones.)



What is the best time and space to plant these seeds? Specific times can enable or disable your seeds from growing. And make sure your space is big enough for roots to grow deep and for what you’re planting to get the nourishment it needs.

 (example: Planning morning workouts 3 times per week, evening walks 3 times per week and self-care at least 1 time per week, but not obsessing over my physical health so not to overcrowd my time with my loved ones.)



The soil surrounding your seeds must allow for growth and be full of nourishment to keep things alive. Your seeds also must stay hydrated and get enough sunshine.

(example: Thinking through and planning to get enough water, sunshine, and foods that make my body feel good and give me the right nutrients to function well.)




In order to enjoy the fruits of your labor, your purpose must be enabled by specific plans. You must do the necessary hard work, maintenance (removing weeds etc) and even allow for rest to enable these tiny seeds’ roots to take hold, grow deep, grow tall and flourish.

(example: Anticipating and removing hindrances, maintaining mundane, unseen and seemingly small habits, including rest will lead to flourishing in my health and life.)




Though most of the work and initial growth is unseen and tedious, with consistent care and cultivation, solid and extensive roots will grow into thriving beauty.




Rooted in purpose,

cultivated with careful attention. 


When you attend to needs,

there will be life.




The journey to enjoying the fruit of your labor might be longer than you think. But consistent stewardship yields a harvest of life & beauty.



When you nourish, 

you flourish.


And your loved ones are worth it!


→Want a better way to move forward? A better way to resolve?

This is post is part of a series...please check out the other parts of the series for more encouragement.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Come steward your health with me....I offer a better way to steward your health. No overwhelm or obsession. No restrictions and rules. Just a simple and sustainable way to LIVE and flourish!



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