My Pilates Journey (Part 2)

When I was studying for my Pilates certification test, I created a system that I still continue to use with all of my clients. Although I originally created this system to help me remember all the important details and the essence of each exercise for my Pilates tests and exams - I have been able to continually utilize this system I made, now called my Signature Method, to help clients feel personally cared for and stronger with each workout....
I took every single exercise I was taught, studied every detail and ordered it and categorized it by:
- targeted muscles
- targeted support muscles
- purpose, level
- placement
- recommended reps
- possible props needed
- variations
- and modifications
Have I mentioned that I am a systems person?! 😄 And particular? 😬
I have used this system in my training with clients since the very first client I taught at a Pilates studio in Fort Worth, Texas.
Once I got certified, I started apprenticing at a local studio. I had spent hours training, observing, and practicing teaching - and I was ready for the real deal. I wanted to help people move better and feel better!
Studio #1
But when I got started teaching, I was more than disappointed watching the other instructors at the studio teach clients half-heartedly. I was sorely discouraged seeing clients walk out of the studio not being cared for in a personal way. And I felt a huge burden to truly help people see and feel the difference that was possible for them through Pilates.
At 25 years old, I started my own Pilates studio in Southlake, Texas. 😳😳😳
(I originally opened my first studio inside of the dance studio I had grown up in! Surreal and sweet!)
As crazy as it sounds, y'all, I THRIVED. I absolutely LOVED getting to share the gift of Pilates with people. I was energized to carefully assess clients and program purposeful sessions for each one, day in and day out. And using my detailed system of exercises, I watched every client that graciously trusted me to care for them, make tremendous progress in their strength, mobility, overall health and JOY! It was a joy to me and I still have some of those first clients from my Texas studio as clients today. You guys are amazing!
Studio #2
(This is a picture from my second space - when I was able to move into my own independent studio.)
A few years later, my husband was called to ministry in Oklahoma and so we moved, closing my studio in Texas. A beautiful chapter of our life changing to a new chapter.
With having very young children right after we moved to a new state, I only taught at a couple of studios around our new home off and on. My babies have been and will always be one of my top priorities.
Studio #3
Then, in 2019, after a long time of not even thinking of opening another studio, the Lord surprisingly opened some doors for me to open a studio and wellness center in Oklahoma. It was amazing! And then....5 months after opening....
Covid hit.
It goes without saying how hard Covid was for everyone across the globe. Small business owners were especially stuck between a rock and a hard place. We had to produce but with severe restrictions and boundaries to doing business. It was chaos.
But despite Covid being one of the most difficult things my small business had to endure (closely followed by having to move my location because of a landlord issue) - I see it now as something that solidified my mission more clearly. It helped the Lord refine in my heart how I can truly help people through Pilates despite difficult circumstances.
Studio #4
In the fall of 2021, my studio classes were waitlisted. I had a full client load and too many people wanting to join. And I could not find any instructors in the area to help with that load that I could trust to care for clients the way I knew they needed. And because of Covid restrictions, I was probably doing 5 times the amount of work with the same end results. And that's when I knew...I could not help more people doing business like that. I could not share the gift of Pilates the way I think it should be shared. And I could not prioritize my family with those restrictions. So...I made the very difficult decision to close my brick & mortar studio. One of the hardest decisions of my life.
Of course, there is a beautiful upside to this story. I wasn't exactly sure where the Lord would take Olive Tree after I closed my brick & mortar, though I knew He wasn't done with it. So, progressively (just like my workouts!), He has built on each phase of the journey. He reminded me that He wants to use me to help people steward their health better through Pilates despite difficult circumstances.
Studio #5
And here we are! I had originally started building my online library of workouts during the covid shutdown as a way to serve clients that either couldn't come into the studio or didn't live near me (hello, Texas clients!). And building that library, using my particular progressive system of exercises, has been a blast for me! My online Olive Tree studio used to be like a second business for me when I still had my brick & mortar. But now my online Olive Tree studio is the way that I can serve more people and share the gift of Pilates with more people.
Because people can see and feel the difference Pilates can make in their health and in their life from ANYWHERE they live, at ANYTIME they want, from the convenience of their own home or even enjoying a workout outside....Olive Tree being online encapsulates my heart for helping and serving more people through Pilates training.
I continue to use my Signature Method, my meticulous exercise order and detailed, categorized system of purpose to ensure my clients get great workouts and targeted results.
THIS IS ONE OF MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE THINGS. 🥳 I thoroughly enjoy thinking through meticulous programming and the perfect progression of exercises and workouts. I absolutely LOVE getting to see Pilates make a difference in how a client feels and their overall health. And it is my JOY and honor to be a part of helping people steward their health, and therefore their life, better.
It would be my joy and honor to care for you too! It would be my joy and honor to see Pilates make a difference in your health and life! I would love for you to experience the difference Pilates can make in your life. Come workout with me - I promise you will love it!
Check out my different Workout Memberships HERE.