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You matter and what you experience matters.

Do you feel like anxiety or overwhelming emotions take you out? Do you have a hard time walking through stressful moments? Do you struggle with chronic health issues or feel like your nervous system is "stuck"? 

It's time to stop ignoring the impact of stress, tension, emotions, and trauma on your body. This will only make your struggle worse and have a huge impact on your health.

 We all know we cannot eliminate or even reduce stress - but you can steward stress better with Somatic Soul Care.

SSC offers purposeful and restorative movement to calm, regulate and strengthen your nervous system towards healing and resilience.

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This is a missing piece of your health journey.

 As you seek to steward your health holistically, you cannot disregard the care of your soul.

To thoroughly care for the body well, we must care for the soul. And to thoroughly care for the soul well, we must care for the body.

Your life affects your health and your health affects your life.



An extensive library of 40+ guided nervous system regulation exercises and restorative movement series. 

We will utilize deep breathing exercises and restorative movement to help you release tension, stress, and emotions. The library offers different directives in what exercises are best to use when you are feeling or experiencing certain triggers or stressors.

A Somatic Soul Care Workbook

The nervous system health workbook will guide you through processing stress, triggers, pain and difficult emotions to truly care for your soul from a Biblical perspective.


You will be equipped with simple and effective exercises, guidance and care for every aspect of stress or tension you experience thus leading to a greater ability to regulate, heal and strengthen towards nervous system resilience.

Somatic Soul Care offers:

  • Mind-Body (psychosomatic) Connection & Whole-Person Wellness
  • Chronic Pain & Tension Relief
  • Emotional Regulation & Processing
  • Holistic Self-Care & Mental Health Care
  • Nervous System Regulation
  • Vagus Nerve Activation & Reset
  • Brain Rewiring & Limbic Retraining
  • Biblical Somatic Care
  • Sensory Integration
  • Focus, Attention & Impulse Control Strengthening
  • Trauma-Informed Care
  • Building Stress & Anxiety Resilience
I need this!


Why do I care so much about stress, emotions and your nervous system as a Pilates instructor?

Well, not only am I a Pilates instructor and movement specialist, I am also a Biblical counselor and pastor's wife. I have a heart to care for people's souls and extend hope and care to every anxiety or pain. I am also an Integrative Health Coach and have done Vagus Nerve Training so I am constantly teaching my clients how important it is to regard the stress they face (no matter how big or small) and release tension from their bodies in order to truly steward their health holistically.

 Somatic Soul Care is a unique blend of all of my training and passions. And it's an extension of my own experience too...

I have faced seasons of heavy emotional stress, fatigue, and autoimmune symptoms. For a while, I ignored my physical symptoms as separate from my stress. But this only worsened my nervous system dysregulation and imbalance. My body was signaling that my soul needed care and attention and disregarding it made it scream louder. The past year has brought immense stress and turmoil. But despite ongoing challenges, restorative movement and nervous system exercises have helped me actually address the stress and move THROUGH the anxiety and the onslaught of emotions to process and navigate difficulties with more flexibility. Even when I feel like it's beyond my capacity to handle the hard, the movement in SSC has been like a breath of fresh air for my body and soul!

By understanding God's good design of our natural stress response and its impact on our bodies, we can nurture both body AND soul with gentle and careful attention. Instead of being overwhelmed and stuck, we can learn to navigate stress with flexibility and resilience.


Eric Marlien says, "The parasympathetic (rest and digest) system reacts, above all, to interoceptive stimulations coming from the organism itself when a change occurs within it, through visceral sensory afferent fibers. It is constantly monitoring the body."

When your amygdala detects a stressor, your sympathetic nervous system response (fight or flight) activates and diverts all functions and nutrients to taking care of the stressor. This is often why you "can't think straight" when you are stressed because your prefrontal cortex, the thinking and reasoning part of your brain, is turned off. Without signaling safety to your body, your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) will NOT turn on.


The most effective way to signal safety to your body is through

deep breathing and restorative movement.



If you experience:

  • fatigue or low energy
  • hormone imbalance
  • mood swings or issues
  • high blood pressure
  • digestive issues
  • sleep issues
  • blood sugar dysregulation
  • difficulty concentrating
  • physical tension, pain, immobility, injury, imbalance, or headaches
  • persistent immune issues
  • weight gain or appetite changes
  • hypersensitivity to sensory input 
  • skin issues or rashes 
  • anxiety or stress
  • shame, trauma, overwhelming emotions
  • nervous system dysregulation and HPA axis dysfunction
  • mental health issues
  • shutdown or burnout....

...Somatic Soul Care is your new safe haven, offering a holistic approach to mental health and self-care, rooted in Biblical principles. You will be equipped to steward stress instead of ignore it or suppress it. You will be offered practical tools that enable you to "Regard & Release" anxieties and difficult emotions in order to move THROUGH stress with more flexibility.

No matter your age, stage of life, or physical ability - join me and calm, regulate and strengthen your nervous system towards healing and resilience with SSC!

Start strengthening your resilience today!

A One-Time Purchase


Save over $200

  • 40 different restorative and regulation guided sessions (worth $227)

  • Nervous system health workbook (worth $47)

  • A renewed and resilient nervous system! Priceless!



Care for your body through these SSC sessions and you will be able to better care for your soul

The information here and in the Somatic Soul Care program is for educational purposes only and is not intended or implied to replace the professional advice of a doctor or physician. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. If you need immediate assistance, please seek medical care.